

NASA built World’s most powerful telescope to track alien’s life

NASA built World’s most powerful telescope to track alien’s life

National Aeronautics and Space Administration’s (NASA) plan to build Advanced Technology Large Aperture Space Telescope (ATLAST) in Portsmouth. It will be the World’s most powerful and largest telescope once it is built.
The telescope can analyze the environment of other planets and able to track the existence of aliens life. The telescope will track the species for about 30 light years away.
The telescope will be prepared and set up in space itself, because the telescope very  large in size  it is not possible to send the telescope to space from the earth  via rocket.
For the setting up the telescope, NASA will send a group of astronauts to space via Orion rocket.

Features of the ATLAST telescope 
•    The telescope will be about four times larger than the existing 44 feet- Hubble Space Telescope.
•    The mirror inside the telescope will have a diameter of around 52 feet, which will be the largest mirror ever created by any man on Earth.
•    The telescope will be located at a distance of 10 lakh miles.
•    Telescope to be ready by 2030


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