

Kerala PSC Lower Division Clerk Exam 2013 Expected Questions and Answers

Kerala PSC Lower Division Clerk Exam 2013 Expected Questions and Answers

  1. The law of electrolysis was formulated by?
             Answer: Michael Faraday
  1. Hydro power is the term used for electricity produced through?
             Answer: Water
  1. The reaction in torch cell is?
             Answer: Electrochemical
  1. Electric current flowing always in the same direction?
             Answer: Direct Current (DC)
  1. Father of Electricity?
             Answer: Michael Faraday
  1. The ordered flow of charges in a conductor is called?
             Answer: Electric current
  1. The unit of current?
             Answer: Ampere
  1. The substance that allows electric charges to flow through it?
             Answer: Conductor
  1. The best conductor of Electricity?
             Answer: Silver
  1. The substance that does not allow current to flow through it?
             Answer: Insulators

  1. The unit of electric charge?
             Answer: Coulomb

  1. A device that maintains a constant potential difference across its terminals for a long time?
             Answer: Cell
  1. The fuse is a piece of wire made of?
             Answer: Bismuth alloy
  1. The instrument used to measure electric current in a circuit is called?
             Answer: Ammeter
  1. Unit of electric potential?
             Answer: Volt
  1. Commercial unit of electricity?
             Answer: KWH (Kilowatt Hour)
  1. An instrument used to measure the electrical energy consumed in Kwh?
             Answer: Watt-hour meter
  1. The potential difference measured in volt is called?
             Answer: Voltage
  1. The EMF of a dry cell is:
             Answer: 1.5 volt
  1. The source of EMF containing two or more cells is called?
             Answer: Battery
  1. The electric current which changes its direction at regular intervals of time?
             Answer: Alternating Current (AC)
  1. Voltage of AC in our household circuit?
             Answer: 230 V
  1. Sodium kept in?
             Answer: Kerosene
  1. Cooking gas contains more than 90%?
             Answer: Butane
  1. Purest form of Carbon?
             Answer: Diamond
  1. Biogas mainly contains?
             Answer: Methane
  1. The most abundant Alkali metal is?
             Answer: Sodium
  1. The metal used for Galvanisation of Iron sheets?
             Answer: Zinc
  1. The wire of flash bulb is made up of?
             Answer: Magnesium
  1. The content of the LPG Cylinder is in the form of?
             Answer: Liquid
  1. Aspirin was invented by?
             Answer: Felix Hoffmann
  1. Which catalyst used in the manufacture of Sulphuric Acid?
             Answer: Vanadium Pentoxide
  1. Which instrument is used for the preparation of Hydrogen Sulphide in the laboratory?
             Answer: Kipp’s Apparatus
  1. The raw materials from which Rayon is manufactured?
             Answer: Cellulose
  1. Mercury is a?
             Answer: Metal
  1. Gases used in cigarette lighters?
             Answer: Butane

  1. The raw material used in the manufacture of Cement?
             Answer: Limestone and Gypsum
  1. Freon-12 is used as?
             Answer: Herbicide
  1. Mineral present in School Chalk?
             Answer: Gypsum
  1. The material that is present in photo films?
             Answer: Silver
  1. Lead pencil consists of?
             Answer: Clay and Graphite
  1. Number of Hydrogen Isotopes?
             Answer: 3
  1. Oil of Vitriol is?
             Answer: Sulphuric acid
  1. White Vitriol?
             Answer: Zinc Sulphate
  1. Substance is popularly known as Super Liquid?
             Answer: Liquid Helium
  1. Number of terminals in a Battery?
             Answer: Two
  1. Avagadro’s Law is applicable to?
             Answer: Gases
  1. Chemical element has the atomic number 1?
             Answer: Hydrogen
  1. One most important compound responsible for Ozone Layer Depletion is?
             Answer: Chloroflurocarbons
  1. Town gas is?
             Answer: Coal gas
  1. The sweetest sugar is?
             Answer: Fructose
  1. Who was the first Indian to be elected to the British Parliament?
            Ans. Dadabhai Naoroji
  1. Which colour of light travels most slowly through glass?
            Ans. Red
  1. Ecology deals with organism and:
            Ans. environment
  1. The fibre glass yacht which completed a 30,000 nautical mile global expedition from Mumbai from September 1985 to January 1987 was:
            Ans. Trishna
  1. India joined the United Nations in the year:
             Ans. 1945
  1. Sri. V Krishna Moorthy who was arrested and imprisoned in connection with the security scam was then working as:
            Ans. a member of Planning Commission
  1. Punjab was annexed to British Territories in the year:
            Ans. 1849
  1. The monsoon which brings rain in Kerala during the period October-November is called:
            Ans. North east monsoon
  1. AIDS is the short form of deadly disease called:
             Ans. Acquired Immuno Deficiency Syndrome
  1. The word’s only monarchy in which the king is elected by secret ballet among State rules:
            Ans. Malaysia
  1. The first Muslim ruler in India to introduce the standing army was:
             Ans. Ala-ud –Din-Khilji
  1. On a rainy afternoon in which direction is the rainbow season?
            Ans. East
  1. The rules of Delhi Sultanate patronized one of the following languages:
            Ans. Persian
  1. Equatorial region is natural region lying between:
            Ans. 50 North and 50 South of the equator
  1. The National Highway which connects Kanyakumari and Salem passing through Kerala is:
            Ans. NH 47
  1. English was introduced as medium of instruction for University Education in India in the year 1838 by:
            Ans. Lord Macaulay
  1. The spinning of Earth on its axis is called:
            Ans. Rotation B
  1. The Chairman of the join Parliamentary Committee who enquired in to the stock market scandal was:
            Ans. Ram Nivas Mirdha 
  1. What are the constituent elements of sugar?
             Answer. Carbon, Hydrogen and Oxygen
  1. What is known as Table sugar?
             Answer. Sucrose
  1. Which sugar is used by the cells as the primary source of energy?
             Answer. Glucose
  1. Name the sugar which is most commonly present in the fruits?
            Answer. Fructose
  1. What is also known in the names dextrose and grape sugar?
            Answer. Glucose
  1. What is known as fruit sugar?
            Answer. Fructose
  1. What is the sweetest of all naturally occurring carbohydrates?
             Answer. Fructose
  1. What is the average PH of honey?
            Answer. 3.9
  1. Which is the leading sugar in the honey?
            Answer. Fructose
  1. Which is the antiseptic present in honey?
            Answer. Hydrogen peroxide
  1. What is usually called as paraffin?
             Answer. Kerosene
  1. Name the Canadian Geologist who invented Kerosene?
            Answer. Abraham Pineo Gesner
  1. What are the ingredients in Kerosene?
             Answer. Carbon and Hydrogen
  1. What is the full form of LPG?
             Answer. Liquefied Petroleum Gas
  1. What is the main constituent in the LPG?
            Answer. Propane
  1. What is added to LPG to help warn of gas leaks?
             Answer. Ethanethiol or Ethyl mercaptan
  1. What is the Chemical name of the bleaching powder?
            Answer. Calcium hypochlorite
  1. What is the chemical name of the Table salt?
             Answer. Sodium Chloride
  1. What gives hardness to water?
            Answer. Chlorides and sulfates of calcium and magnesium
  1. Which gases are the constituents of the Ammonia gas?
              Answer. Nitrogen and hydrogen
  1. What is produced through the Haber-Bosch process?
            Answer. Ammonia
  1. Which chemical is used in the cloud seeding or the artificial rain?
            Answer. Silver iodide
  1. What is ‘Dry Ice’?
            Answer. Solid Carbon Dioxide
  1. What was once called ‘Lunar caustic’?
             Answer. Silver Nitrate
  1. Which chemical is also known in the names ‘Blue vitriol and Bluestone’?
            Answer. Copper sulphate
  1. Who founded the Maurya dynasty?
             Answer: Chandragupta Maurya
  1. Who founded the Gupta empire?
             Answer: Maharaja Sri Gupta
  1. Who founded the Sunga dynasty?
             Answer: Pusyamitra Sunga

  1. The founder of Kanva dynasty?
             Answer: Vasudeva
  1. Kadphises founded ........ dynasty.
             Answer: Kushana
  1. Jayasimha is the founder of ....... dynasty.
              Answer: Chalukya
  1. Who founded the Satavahana dynasty?
              Answer: Simukha
  1. The Rashtrakuta dynasty was founded by:
              Answer: Dantidurga
  1. Vijayalaya founded ........ dynasty.
              Answer: Chola
  1. The founder of Vakataka dynasty:
               Answer: Vindyasakthi
  1. The Solanki dynasty was founded by:
               Answer: Mulraj
  1. Toramana is founder of ......... rule in India.
               Answer: Huna
  1. Vardhana dynasty was founded by:
              Answer: Pushyabhuti
  1. The founder of Pallava dynasty:
              Answer: Simhavishnu
  1. The Slave dynasty was founded by:
               Answer: Qutubbdin Aibek
  1. The Khilji dynasty was founded by:
               Answer: Jalaluddin Khilji
  1. The founder of Tughlaq dynasty:
                Answer: Ghiassudin Tughlaq
  1. The founder of Sayyid dynasty:
                Answer: Khizr Khan
  1. Who founded the Lodi dynasty?
                Answer: Bahlul Lodi

  1. The founder of Mughal dynasty:
                Answer: Babur
  1. Who is regarded as the real founder of Mughal empire in India:
                 Answer: Akbar
  1. Sher Shah founded ........ dynasty:
                 Answer: Sur
  1. The founder of Pala dynasty:
                 Answer: Gopala
  1. Bahmani dynasty was founded by:
                 Answer: Hassan
  1. Harihara and Bukka founded ......... empire.
                 Answer: Vijaynagar
  1. The Scientist who won Nobel Prize for Chemistry in the
             Year  2009:(PSC KSRTC Clerk / Conductor Exam 2010)
                 Ans. Venkata Raman Ramakrishnan
  1. The chemical name of Baking Soda is: (PSC SI Examination2010)
                 Ans. Sodium bicarbonate
  1. The person who ordered Jallianwala Bagh Massacre:
                 Ans. General Dyer
  1. The word ‘Pakistan’ was invented by a Cambridge student namely:
                 Ans. Choudhari Rahmat Ali
  1. The study of Sports and Games is known as:
                  Ans. Acrobatics
  1. Author of the book ‘Lottery Vivadam Mattoru Choothattom’ is:
                  Ans. Dr. Thomas Isaac
  1. The two ancient cities of Mohenjodaro and Harappa are now in:
                  (PSC  previous question from Divisional Accountant 2002 Exam)
                 Ans. Pakistan
  1. The currency of Russia is: (Junior Lab Assistant PSC
                  Question Paper 2006 exam)
                  Ans. Rouble
  1. Who among the following is the chairperson of
                   NHRC: (NationalHuman Rights Commission)?
                Ans. K.G. Balakrishnan
  1. Which is the capital of Jharkhand? (Kerala PSC
                   Junior LabAssistant Previous Question Paper 2002)
                Ans. Ranchi
  1. "A Bend in the River" is a novel written by:
                 Ans. V.S. Naipaul
  1. ‘Mark’ is the currency of:
                 Ans. Germany
  1. Who discovered DNA structure? (PSC Agricultural AssistantGrade
                   II previous question)
                  Ans. Watson and Crick
  1. Who was the first woman Governor of India?
                  Ans. Sarojini Naidu
  1. Who was the first Indian selected to Indian Civil Services?
                  Ans. Satyendranath Tagore
  1. Who discovered Radium?
                  Answer: Marie Curie and Pierry Curie
  1. The unit of energy or work?
                  Answer: Joule
  1. Photo electric effect was explained by:
                  Answer: Albert Einstein
  1. The particle which is supposed to travel faster than light:
                   Answer: Tachyon
  1. Father of wireless telegraphy?
                  Answer: Marconi
  1. Speed of sound at zero degree Celsius is ........ m/s?
                  Answer: 331
  1. Who was the first to measure the velocity of light?
                  Answer: Roemer
  1. Pitch of a sound depends upon its:
                  Answer: Frequency
  1. Short-sight in human eye can be rectified by:
                  Answer: Concave lens
  1. Instrument used to measure atmospheric pressure?
                 Answer: Barometer
  1. Heat transfer within the atmosphere is called?
                 Answer: Advection
  1. The earpiece of a telephone converts:
                  Answer: Electrical energy into sound energy
  1. The line that separates atmosphere and outer space:
                  Answer: Karman line
  1. Corpuscular theory proposed by:
                  Answer: Newton
  1. Water boils at ........ Kelvin.
                   Answer: 373
  1. The soil formed by wind bust in and around hot deserts is called - 
                   Ans: sandy soil 


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