1. Sodium kept in?
Answer: Kerosene
2. Cooking gas contains more than 90%?
Answer: Butane
3. Purest form of Carbon?
Answer: Diamond
4. Biogas mainly contains?
Answer: Methane
5. The most abundant Alkali metal is?
Answer: Sodium
6. The metal used for Galvanisation of Iron sheets?
Answer: Zinc
7. The wire of flash bulb is made up of?
Answer: Magnesium
8. The content of the LPG Cylinder is in the form of?
Answer: Liquid
9. Aspirin was invented by?
Answer: Felix Hoffmann
10. Which catalyst used in the manufacture of Sulphuric Acid?
Answer: Vanadium Pentoxide
11. Which instrument is used for the preparation of Hydrogen Sulphide in the laboratory?
Answer: Kipp’s Apparatus
12. The raw materials from which Rayon is manufactured?
Answer: Cellulose
13. Mercury is a?
Answer: Metal
14. Gases used in cigarette lighters?
Answer: Butane
15. The raw material used in the manufacture of Cement?
Answer: Limestone and Gypsum
16. Freon-12 is used as?
Answer: Herbicide
17. Mineral present in School Chalk?
Answer: Gypsum
18. The material that is present in photo films?
Answer: Silver
19. Lead pencil consists of?
Answer: Clay and Graphite
20. Number of Hydrogen Isotopes?
Answer: 3
21. Oil of Vitriol is?
Answer: Sulphuric acid
22. White Vitriol?
Answer: Zinc Sulphate
23. Substance is popularly known as Super Liquid?
Answer: Liquid Helium
24. Number of terminals in a Battery?
Answer: Two
25. Avagadro’s Law is applicable to?
Answer: Gases
26. Chemical element has the atomic number 1?
Answer: Hydrogen
27. One most important compound responsible for Ozone Layer Depletion is?
Answer: Chloroflurocarbons
28. Town gas is?
Answer: Coal gas
29. The sweetest sugar is?
Answer: Fructose
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