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Kerala PSC Exam Time Table 2015

Kerala Public Service Commission has issued Kerala PSC Exam Time Table 2015 for the various exams that are going to be held in the session of 2015. Aspirants may check or download the exam schedule and dates to prepare well in examination.

Kerala PSC conducts the various recruitment exams to hire the suitable candidates for various posts and every year innumerable contestants appears in the exams .The exam is going to be held on different dates.

Kerala PSC Exam Time Table 2015

Those contenders who are searching for the exam time table now they can get it through the official website of Kerala PSC that is Further relevant details about this notification are mentioned below must read it properly.

The entire details about the Kerala PSC Exam Time Table they must check the below section which is being provided by the squad of

Kerala PSC Exam Time Table 2015

Date of Exam

Category Number, Name of Post, Department



114/2014,Laboratory Technical Assistant – Civil Construction And Maintenance
Part I : Questions based on Technical Qualification
Part II : General Knowledge, Current Affairs &
Renaissance in Kerala


536/2012, Junior Instructor – Food Processing Sector
Objective Type Test


338/2014, Trade Instructor Grade II (Tool & Die Making)
Objective Type Test


3/2014,Instructor In Tailoring & Garment Making Training Centre
Part I : Questions based on Technical Qualification
Part II : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala


411/2013, Artist
A Written test based on the qualification prescribed for the post


581/2012, Lecturer In Kannada
A Written Test based on the qualification prescribed for the post


626/2012, Lecturer In Sanskrit
A Written test based on the qualification prescribed for the post


347/2014, Lower Division Clerk/Bill Collector

An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.
Main Topics:-
Part I : General Knowledge, Current Affairs &
Renaissance in Kerala
Part II : General English
Part III : Simple Arithmetic & Mental Ability


335/2014, Pre Primary Teacher (Deaf School)

An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.


132/2014, Laboratory Technical Assistant – Dairying (Milk Products)

Part I : Questions based on Technical Qualification
Part II : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala


137/2014, Laboratory Technical

Assistant – Maintenance & Operation Of Biomedical Equipments
Part I : Questions based on the prescribed
Part II : General Knowledge, Current Affairs & Renaissance in Kerala


449/2013, Tradesman (Sheet Metal)

An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.


329/2014,Tradesman (Sheet Metal)

An Objective Type Test (OMR Valuation) based on the qualification prescribed for the post.

Kerala PSC Exam Calendar February 2015

Name of Post
Category Number


Workshop Instructor, Demonstrator in Printing Technology


Laboratory Technical Assistant- General Insurance


Lecturer in Chemical Engineering (Polytechnics)


Lecturer in Biomedical Engineering (Polytechnics)


Commercial Tax Officer


Commercial Tax Officer


Laboratory Technical Assistant- Mechanical Sevicing (Agro Machinery)

How to download Kerala PSC Exam Schedule:
Applicants who want to check exam schedule they must visit the official websitethat is

Bank Exams{ Clerk,PO}

1. A keyboard is this kind of device—

(A) black

(B) input

(C) output

(D) word Processing

(E) None of these

Ans : (B)

2. IT stands for—

(A) information Technology

(B) integrated Technology

(C) intelligent Technology

(D) interesting Technology

(E) None of these

Ans : (A)

3. Which of the following refers to the fastest, biggest and most expensive computers ?

(A) Personal Computers

(B) Supercomputers

(C) Laptops

(D) Notebooks

(E) None of these

Ans : (B)

4. A collection of related information sorted and dealt with as a unit is a—

(A) disk

(B) data

(C) file

(D) floppy

(E) None of these

Ans : (C)

5. The process of a computer receiving information from a server on the Internet is known as—

(A) pulling

(B) pushing

(C) downloading

(D) transferring

(E) None of these

Ans : (C)

6. Which part of the computer helps to store information ?

(A) Disk drive

(B) Keyboard

(C) Monitor

(D) Printer

(E) None of these

Ans : (A)

7. ………………is the process of carrying out commands.

(A) Fetching

(B) Storing

(C) Executing

(D) Decoding

(E) None of these

Ans : (C)

8. The role of a………generally is to determine a buyer’s needs and match it to the correct hardware and software.

(A) computer Scientist

(B) computer sales representative

(C) computer consultant

(D) corporate trainer

(E) None of these

Ans : (B)

9. Which of the following groups consist of only output devices ?

(A) Scanner, Printer, Monitor

(B) Keyboard, Printer, Monitor

(C) Mouse, Printer, Monitor

(D) Plotter, Printer, Monitor

(E) None of these

Ans : (D)

10. The rectangular area of the screen that displays a program, data, and/or information is a—

(A) title bar

(B) button

(C) dialog box

(D) window

(E) None of these

Ans : (D)

11. A(n)………contains commands that can be selected.

(A) pointer

(B) menu

(C) icon

(D) button

(E) None of these

Ans : (B)

12. An error is also known as—

(A) bug

(B) debug

(C) cursor

(D) icon

(E) None of these

Ans : (A)

13. Arithmetic Operations—

(A) involve matching one data item to another to determine if the first item is greater than, equal to, or less than the other item

(B) sort data items according to standard, predefined criteria in ascending order or descending order

(C) use conditions with operators such as AND, OR and NOT

(D) include addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

(E) None of these

Ans : (D)

14. Sending an e-mail is similar to—

(A) picturing an event

(B) narrating a story

(C) writing a letter

(D) creating a drawing

(E) None of these

Ans : (C)

15. Promotion in Marketing means—

(A) passing an examination

(B) elevation from one grade to another

(C) selling the products through various means

(D) selling the product in specific areas

(E) None of these

Ans : (C)

16. Microsoft Word is an example of—

(A) an operating system

(B) a processing device

(C) application software

(D) an input device

(E) None of these

Ans : (B)

17. Sources of Sales Leads are—

(A) Data Mining

(B) Market Research

(C) Media Outlets

(D) Promotional Programs

(E) All of these

Ans : (E)

18. Any data or instruction entered into the memory of a computer is considered as—

(A) storage

(B) output

(C) input

(D) information

(E) None of these

Ans : (A)

19. Which part of the computer displays the work done ?


(B) printer

(C) monitor


(E) None of these

Ans : (C)

20. One of the methods for Market Monitoring is—

(A) to watch TV serials

(B) to discuss with other sales persons

(C) to monitor media outlets

(D) All of these

(E) None of these

Ans : (C)

21. Market Expansion means—

(A) hiring more staff

(B) firing more staff

(C) buying more products

(D) buying more companies

(E) None of these

Ans : (E)

22. A series of instructions that tells a computer what to do and how to do it is called a—

(A) program

(B) command

(C) user response

(D) processor

(E) None of these

Ans : (A)

23. Effective marketing helps in—

(A) developing new products

(B) creating a competitive environment

(C) building demand for products

(D) All of these

(E) None of these

Ans : (D)

24. Which is the part of a computer that one can touch and feel ?

(A) Hardware

(B) Software

(C) Programs

(D) Output

(E) None of these

Ans : (A)

25. A Call in Marketing means—

(A) to phone the customers

(B) to visit the customers

(C) to visit the marketing site

(D) to call on prospective customers

(E) None of these

Ans : (D)

26. Delivery Channel means—

(A) maternity wards

(B) handing over the products to the buyers

(C) places where products are made available to the buyers

(D) All of these

(E) None of these

Ans : (C)

27. Processing involves—

(A) inputting data into a computer system

(B) transforming input into output

(C) displaying output in a useful manner

(D) providing relevant answers

(E) None of these

Ans : (B)

28. One of the following is a target group for the marketing of Internet Banking.

(A) All the customers

(B) All the educated customers

(C) All the computer educated customers

(D) Only creditors

(E) All of these

Ans : (C)

29. Innovation mean—

(A) Product Designing

(B) New ideas

(C) Impulse

(D) Both (A) and (B)

(E) None of these

Ans : (D)

30. One of the following is a target group for the marketing of educational loan.

(A) All the customers

(B) Students

(C) Only poor students

(D) Students having promising educational track record

(E) All of these

Ans : (B)

31. Service after sale is not the function of—

(A) Marketing staff

(B) Seller

(C) Director of the company

(D) Employees of the company

(E) All of the above are wrong

Ans : (A)

32. If done through………the rural marketing would be more effective.

(A) fairs

(B) village fairs

(C) door to door campaign

(D) All of these

(E) None of these

Ans : (B)

33. Market Survey means—

(A) Market Research

(B) Market Planning

(C) Marketing Strategies

(D) Market Monitering

(E) All of these

Ans : (A)

34. ………can be done through digital Banking ?

(A) Mobile phone

(B) Internet

(C) Telephone

(D) All of these

(E) None of these

Ans : (A)

35. A good seller should have the following quality/qualities ?

(A) Devotion to the work

(B) Submissive

(C) Sympathy

(D) All of these

(E) None of these

Ans : (D)

36. The rural marketing is not required because—

(A) rural people do not understand marketing

(B) its not practical from the cost point of view

(C) it is sheer wastage of time

(D) All are wrong

(E) All are correct

Ans : (D)

37. Planned-cost service means—

(A) Costly products

(B) Extra profit on the same cost

(C) Extra work by seller

(D) All of these

(E) None of these

Ans : (B)

38. Internet marketing means—

(A) Self-marketing

(B) Core Groups monitering

(C) Employees marketing

(D) All of these

(E) None of these

Ans : (E)

39. The aim of successful marketing is—

(A) to increase the sale

(B) to increase the profit

(C) to increase the output of sellers

(D) All of these

(E) None of these

Ans : (D)

40. The networking becomes……through networking.

(A) very difficult

(B) dull

(C) easy

(D) has no role in marketing

(E) None of these

Ans : (C)

Indian Army Solved Questions.

1. National Defence Academy is situated at:
Answer :- Khadakvasla

2. Capital of Uttarakhand:
Answer :- Dehradun

3. Vijay Ghat is the Samadhi of:
Answer :- Lal Bahadur Shastri

4. Land of Midnight sun:
Answer :- Japan

5. Largest Producer of rice in India is:
Answer :- West Bengal

6. Kaziranga National Park is famous for ______:
Answer :- Rhinos

7. Present UN secretary General is from which country?
Answer :- South Korea

8. First Loksabha Speaker of India:
Answer :- G.V. Mavlankar

9. C.V. Raman got Nobel prize in the year.
Answer :- 1930

10. Chairman of planning commission is:
Answer :- Prime Minister

11. First Indian woman to scale mount Everst:
Answer :- Bachendripal

12. Khetri in Rajasthan is famous for:
Answer :- Copper

13. Head Quarters of FAO is located at:
Answer :- Rome

14. Dilwara Temple is situated at:
Answer :- Rajasthan

15. COBRA force is related with:
Answer :- CRPF

16. Which is the largest planet:
Answer :- Jupiter

17. Which vitamin is necessary for our bones and teeth?
Answer :- Vitamin- B

18. How many colours are there in a rainbow?
Answer :- 7

19. What is the normal temperature of human body?
Answer :- 37 degree Celsius

20. How many poles are there in a magnet?
Answer :- 2

21. Vitamin C is obtained from?
Answer :- Orange

22. The hardest natural substance is:
Answer :- Diamond

23. The most abundant chemical element in the universe is:
Answer :- Hydrogen

24. The flow of electric current is measured in:
Answer :- Ampere

25. Percentage of Oxygen in atmosphere:
Answer :- 33.33%

26. The lightest element is:
Answer :- Lithium

27. The gas used in the fire extinguishers is:
Answer :- CO2

28. A large group of stars together is known as:
Answer :- Galaxy

29. What is commonly called quick line:
Answer :- Calcium Oxide

30. The Green pigment seen in planets:
Answer :- Chlorophyll

31. The rate of change of velocity is known as:
Answer :- Acceleration

32. Electron is discovered by:
Answer :- J.J. Thomson

Laboratory Technical Assistant Solved Questions

1. The ‘Aikya Kerala’ convention was held at Trichur in 1947 under the Presidentship of:
Answer :- K.Kelappan

2. Gandhiji held the first Satyagraha in India at Champaran which belongs to the state of:
Answer :- Bihar

3. Who was the author of ‘Treatment of Thiyyas in Travancore’?
Answer :- Dr.Palppu

4. ‘Hindustan Republican Army’ was established by:
Answer :- Sachin Sanyal

5. ‘Kallada Hydro Electric Project’ belongs to which district?
Answer :- Kollam

6. The age of Moderate in Indian Freedom struggle was:
Answer :- 1885-1905

7. ‘Swaraj’ as goal of Congress was declared in 1905 at which congress session?
Answer :- Banaras

8. Why did Gandhiji start satyagraha in 1919?
Answer :- To protest against Rowlatt Act

9. The British Officer Rand was killed by:
Answer :- Chepekar Brothers

10. Who was lathi charges while protesting against Simon Commission and died later?
Answer :- Lala Lajpat Rai

11. The World Health Day is celebrated on:
Answer :- April 7th

12. The founder of modern nursing:
Answer :- Florence Nightingale

13. Night blindness is caused by the deficiency of:
Answer :- Vitamin A

14. Tuberculosis is caused by:
Answer :- Mycobacterium tuberculosis

15. Infection transmitted between individuals infected with different pathogenic organisms is:
Answer :- Cross Infection

16. The urine specific gravity is:
Answer :- 1.016 to 1.025

17. Abnormal increase in the volume of urine is termed as:
Answer :- Polyuria

18. The inflammation of middle ear is termed as:
Answer :- Otitis media

19. The term used to denote loss of appetite is:
Answer :- Anorexia

20. The concentration of dettol used to disinfect thermometer is:
Answer :- 1:40

21. The microscope is invented by:
Answer :- Antony Van Leeuwenhoek

22. The smallest unit of an element is:
Answer :- Atom

23. The pH value of blood is:
Answer :- 7.35 to 7.45

24. The pacemaker of the heart:
Answer :- SA node

25. The cardiac output in a healthy adult at rest:
Answer :- 5 liters

26. The largest organ in our body is:
Answer :- Skin

27. The smallest unit of the body is:
Answer :- Cell

28. The solution used to detect sugar in the urine is:
Answer :- Benedict’s reagent

29. The hormone responsible for the secondary sex characteristics in females is:
Answer :- Estrogen

30. The largest artery in human body:
Answer :- Aorta

31. One ml contains:
Answer :- 15 drops

32. The international Nurses day is celebrated on:
Answer :- May 12th

33. The pigment responsible for skin colour:
Answer :- Melanin

34. Inflammation of the tongue is termed as:
Answer :- Glossitis

35. Body building foods are:
Answer :- Proteins

36. The most effective method of disinfection:
Answer :- Autoclaving

37. Tire cheapest source of Vitamin A:
Answer :- Green leafy vegetables

38. A sudden severe attack of shivering in which the body temperature rises rapidly to a stage of hyper pyrexia:
Answer :- Rigor

39. The number of pulse beats in a minute:
Answer :- Rate

40. Increased reparatory rate over 24 breaths per minute:
Answer :- Tachypnoea

41. The lack of Oxygen in the tissues:
Answer :- Anoxia

42. The instrument used to measure blood pressure is:
Answer :- Sphygmomanometer

43. Total cessation of breathing is termed as:
Answer :- Apnoea

44. The largest gland in the body:
Answer :- Liver

45. Infancy is a period from:
Answer :- 0-1 year

46. Cessation of measurement is termed as:
Answer :- Menopause

47. How many calories will be obtained from one gram fat?
Answer :- 9 Calories

48. The method of transfer of heat directly through a substance from hot part to the cold part, from one molecule to the other:
Answer :- Conduction

49. The formula to convert Fahrenheit scale to Celsius scale:
Answer :- C=(F-32)*5/9

50. A sudden return to normal temperature from a very high temperature within a few hours or days:
Answer :- Crisis